Saturday, 26 January 2013

When life gets chaotic..

Heya everyone!

Well, somehow a month has flown by since my last post. I promise I thought about updating a million times but I literally don't have time for regular life chores let alone extra things like updating a blog. Teaching is consuming my life. I use some of my free time on the weekends to try and have a life, but about 90% of my time is dedicated to my little ones, and trying to appease my new school. The standards here are almost unattainable. It's really discouraging sometimes! Too many things to do, not enough hours in the day. Needless to say, I'm excited for half term break. Only 3 more weeks to go! Then, my dear friend MOLLY LAWRENCE is coming to visit me, and we're gonna travel to Dublin and Edinburgh with my other lovely friend Teri! It's gonna be amazing for sure!

Another thing that's keeping me going is the thought of going home for my 2 week break during Easter. I haven't bought my ticket home yet but I'm super excited to be going home to see my family. I'm missing them a lot, but keeping really busy is helping keep my mind off of it. I really do love it here, and I don't think I would want it any other way. Aylmer isn't the same and I'm really glad I got out of there. It would be nice if my family were closer though :)

Anyways, I promise to do a proper update, but I know some of you were wondering if I was still alive/okay, so I thought I would write a quick blurb to assure you that I am healthy and happy! xx