Tuesday, 4 September 2012

First Day of School... Well, in Ontario, anyway

Today was the first day of school here. I just love this time of year. The sights, the smells, the sense of new-ness and fresh beginnings! It's something I've loved since I can remember... maybe that's part of the reason why I wanted to be a teacher? Here's my "Back to School picture: Teacher Edition"

Sorry it's so blurry! 

Anyway, today and tomorrow I'm volunteering in a Grade 3 classroom with my associate teacher from last year. Some of the same students are in her class again (because she moved up a grade) and it was so nice to see their smiling faces. As soon as I walked in the door, I was crushed by about 5 grade 3 students giving me giant bear hugs. Down the hallways I was stopped by a whole bunch of my other students from last year with hugs and hellos! It's nice to know that they like me so much! Now.... if only I could get a job there lol.

It's so nice to be back in the classroom and doing the thing I enjoy the most in the world. I just can't wait to be teaching for real and in my OWN classroom. Hopefully that comes to fruition in the UK!

Sidenote: Countdown is on... 10 days until I fly out!

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