Friday, 14 September 2012

The Countdown is On!

In 48 hours I will be in the air. What! I have crazy nervous butterflies in my tummy, and my mind won't stop thinking. Tomorrow night is the last night I will sleep in my bed here for 10 months. I have to stop thinking like this or I'm gonna chicken out. I am SO SO SO grateful that I'm going with friends. It just makes it so much easier knowing that they're going through the same thing, and we'll be able to support each other.

Today I got a call from a bloke from Engage education. I could barely understand half of what he said because he was talking too fast. It was all good though, and he said he'd see me next week! I now know that I have a new teacher induction day on September 29th. All my other friends are going to attend as well, so at least we can navigate the city together! I was also contacted by my payroll company today. everything is all set up. All I have to do is set up a bank account in the UK and I'm all set to get paid!

I still have packing to finalize and I feel like there is TOO much to do in a short amount of time.
The one positive thing that's keeping me going is the prospect of a family dinner tomorrow night. My family is celebrating Thanksgiving early, and we're going to have a proper turkey dinner with all the fixins' - pumpkin pie and all! I'm excited for it!

1 comment:

  1. You're going to LOVE it! Seriously! The first few weeks are totally overwhelming but in a good way!


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