Thursday, 11 October 2012

Colham Manor (that's my school)

I have spent the past 3 days at Colham Manor Primary School-- apparently this schools loves me! I've been all over that school this week! On Tuesday, my consultant Craig calls me to tell me to cancel my plans for the Year 3 at the other school, and head to Colham (pronounced Cullum) instead. I arrive to find out I'm covering Year 2F for the day while the teacher does in-service. At the end of the day, I try to get my timesheet signed, but the booking lady says she's booked me for Thursday, so just wait until then to get it signed. So, I knew I was going back on Thursday for sure.

Wednesday morning, Craig calls me and says "Colham again, mate!" I covered Year 2T in the morning (such a sweet class) and then 1SH in the afternoon. My time spent in Year 1 has confirmed that really young children are not for me. I can deal with Year 2, but Year 1 is just too young for me. Today, I was in Year 6, which was totally, totally my style. This class was the smallest one I've had so far- just 22 kids. They were so well behaved, and so funny! The only downside to teaching Year 6 is that they are preparing them for Key Stage 3, and they are doing tests to figure out their secondary school placement (kind of like SAT scores in the States) and there is a lot of work for them to do. I spent over an hour marking at the end of the day. A HUGE thank you to my roomie Dana for helping me mark their Literacy, where they were writing their own myths, while I marked their Maths and Handwriting.

I definitely like Colham, and I know they like me. If they were to keep offering me jobs, I wouldn't complain, but I do want to get some experience at other schools as well. I have only been to 2 other schools, for 1 day a piece since I've started here. The rest of my time has been spent at Colham!! I'm not sure where I am tomorrow- hopefully somewhere nice! And tomorrow is pay day! Woohoo!

We're going on a tour this Saturday to Bath, Stonehenge and Windsor Castle, and I am getting extremely excited about doing something other than teaching haha. I will definitely update you all on that experience, with pictures of course, when I get back. Lots of love xo

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