Sunday, 7 October 2012

First Foray to the British Museum

It's finally the weekend, even though this week went by quite quickly. I received so many hugs and so many "awww do you have to leave" on Friday from my Year 3s. One girl even made me a card on Thursday night and gave it to me Friday morning. They asked me when I was coming back too. I felt so loved! I'm glad I was able to have such an impact on them, even for a short amount of time.

So, despite being quite ill (thanks to my darling kiddies), I dragged my butt to the British Museum with Dana and Jess yesterday.
The British Museum!
Me outside the British Museum 
One of my favourite parts of the day: Ancient Egypt
Rameses The Great
Another Mummy
Names of Egyptian Pharoahs in hieroglyphs and cartouches. That's my shoulder on the left!!
So we first completed an audio tour about Ancient Egypt, and then we moved onto Ancient Greece/Rome and that whole lot.
This is a tomb of a rather wealthy aristocratic woman. I think I remember the audio tour  said she was around 50 when she died.
Head of Augustus.
From the Parthenon Galleries.
Dana and I.
A Gladiator helmet. 
Lely's Venus (Aphrodite)
These were really cool letters that are written on thin pieces of wood. It is surprising that they are still in such good condition. The picture below is the translation of what they say.

This is a mosaic from Hinton St. Mary's, which is thought to be the earliest image of Christ.
Relics from the Sutton Hoo ship burial. SO cool!
From Sutton Hoo- some weapons and chain mail.
I absolutely loved that tiara!
Gorgeous pearl and garnet (my birthstone!) necklace from the opulent Victorian era.
The building itself is quite breathtaking.

 Roomie pic!
Being inside the building itself was history enough, but the massive collection they have of relics from the past is just so overwhelming. Since I'm a history and English nerd, this experience was quite wonderful, even though I couldn't breathe, my throat was scratchy, and I have a mouse voice. I'm definitely going to head back another day because I barely touched to surface of what there is to see. Hopefully next time though, I'm feeling a little more energetic! 

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